The Adhesive Remover effectively loosens the bond between extensions and natural lashes, allowing for gentle and damage-free removal.
How To Use
Before applying Adhesive Remover, protect the skin by using a barrier cream, such as petroleum jelly, on the top and bottom lids.
Apply Under Eye Pads below the bottom lashes.
Using two microswab brushes, gently and slowly work 1 drop of Adhesive Remover at a time from the middle of the extensions towards the base, in small sections. Be mindful not to start at the bottom of the lash line to prevent excessive buildup and potential irritation.
Keep a water-filled bottle nearby for rinsing the eyes if any sensitivity occurs during the removal process.
When finished, rinse the eyes with Ch'ic Lash Cleanser and warm water, followed by a saline rinse if dry eyes are experienced.